Florida's Snakes

Eastern Diamond-backed Rattlesnake
(Crotalus adamanteus)VENOMOUS
Venomous snakebites are rare and can usually be avoided; however, knowing how to respond correctly to venomous snakebites is also important. Learn more...
Eastern Diamond-backed Rattlesnake
Photo by Dr. Steve A. Johnson. This photo may not be used without the express written permission of the photographer.
Usually 3–5 ft. (max. ~7 ft.)
Body color is tan, brown, or grayish; back is marked with a row of obvious dark diamonds outlined in cream. Distinct, dark bands, outlined in white, run from the corner of each eye to the corners of the jaw. Tail is tipped with a large rattle. Scales have obvious lengthwise ridges (keels). This snake gives birth to live young (does not lay eggs).
Found throughout Florida in flatwoods, sandhills, hammocks, and other dry forested habitats but generally avoids interiors of marshes and swamps. In urbanized areas, it may be found on golf courses and wooded lots.
Ground-dwelling birds, mice, rats, squirrels, gophers, small rabbits
Map by Monica E. McGarrity - may be used freely for education.