Florida's Snakes

Rim Rock Crowned Snake
(Tantilla oolitica)NON-VENOMOUS
Rim Rock Crowned Snake
Photo by Dustin Smith (Miami Metro Zoo). This photo may not be used without the express written permission of the photographer.
Usually 6 – 9 in. (max. ~11 in.)
Slender body is pinkish tan. Head and neck are brown-black. Snout is pale cream-tan. Scales are smooth. Florida’s three crowned snake species are very similar in appearance, so be sure to check the range map for help with identification. This snake is believed to lay eggs.
Found only along the southeastern Atlantic Coast of Florida and the Keys in tropical hardwood hammocks and pine rocklands with shallow, sandy soils over underlying limestone. This secretive snake spends most of its time underground in stump holes and crevices in the limestone, or under logs and other debris.
Believed to include worms, centipedes, spiders, insects and their larvae, and possibly small scorpions
Map by Monica E. McGarrity - may be used freely for education.