Florida's Snakes

Rough Greensnake
(Opheodrys aestivus)NON-VENOMOUS
Rough Greensnake
Photo by Steve A. Johnson (UF). This photo may not be used without the express written permission of the photographer.
Usually 2 – 2.5 ft. (max. ~3.5 ft.)
Extremely slender body is bright green. Lips, chin, and belly are yellow-white. Scales have obvious lengthwise ridges (keels). This snake lays eggs.
Found throughout Florida in a variety of moist, forested habitats. It is most common in areas with abundant trees and shrubbery, such as forest edges by ponds, streams, canals, fields, and roads. This snake spends much of its time in shrubs and trees foraging for caterpillars and other insect prey.
Spiders, insects (especially caterpillars), small treefrogs
Map by Monica E. McGarrity - may be used freely for education.