Conservation of Amphibians and Reptiles - WIS4934
This course is designed to familiarize students with some of the issues affecting conservation of amphibians and reptiles on local, regional, and global scales. It is not a course to learn how to identify amphibians and reptiles, although students will be exposed to a variety of species via lectures and field experiences. Students will also learn about general ecology, global diversity, and distribution of amphibians and reptiles. By the end of the class students will understand many of the issues that impact herpetofauna in Florida, the Southeast, and the world. Students will also build their critical thinking skills via literature research and oral presentation skills.
This course is offered Fall semesters of odd years and alternates with the Invasion Ecology of Amphibians and Reptiles course.
Recent Syllabus
Steve A. Johnson, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
University of Florida / IFAS
Dept. of Wildlife Ecology & Conservation
301A Newins-Ziegler Hall
Gainesville, FL 32611
Office: 352-846-0557