Florida's Frogs

Frog Egg-laying Habits


Single Eggs

Some frogs, including many treefrogs, lay single eggs that sink to the bottom of the breeding pond or are attached to submerged vegetation.

Single Egg

Single Egg by Monica E. McGarrity


Egg Clusters

Some frogs, including many "true frogs," lay egg clusters, usually attached to emergent (partly exposed) aquatic vegetation.

Egg Cluster by Steve A. Johnson

Egg Cluster by Monica E. McGarrity


Surface Film of Eggs

Some frogs, including native Eastern Narrow-mouthed Toads and invasive Cuban Treefrogs, lay eggs in a surface film that floats on the surface of the breeding pond (sometimes attached to plants).

Surface Film of Eggs by Steve A. Johnson

Surface Film of Eggs by Monica E. McGarrity


Strings of Eggs

Some frogs, including native and invasive "True Toads," lay eggs in long strings wrapped around emergent vegetation.

Strings of Eggs by Steve A. Johnson

Strings of Eggs by Monica E. McGarrity


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