Florida's Frogs & Toads
True Toads (Family Bufonidae)
Oak Toad
(Anaxyrus quercicus)
Oak Toad (click on small image to view larger)
Photos by Steve A. Johnson (UF). To obtain permission to use these photos for educational purposes, email tadpole@ufl.edu.
Usually 0.75 to 1.5 in.
Body is tan to reddish brown, dark brown, or gray; back is marked with dark spots and usually with an obvious, light center line. Skin is warty; small, oval parotoid glands are present on the shoulders but are inconspicuous. The undersides of the feet are often bright orange.
April to October; eggs are laid in long strings wrapped around vegetation. Call is a high pitched bird-like chirp. To hear frog calls, visit the USGS Frog Call Lookup and select the species you want to hear from the common name drop-down list.
Ants, beetles, centipedes, spiders, and other invertebrates.
Found throughout Florida, with the exception of the lower Keys, usually burrowed in the soil or under cover objects in areas with sandy soils, including sandhills, pine-oak forests, pine flatwoods, and scrubs. Breeds in shallow, temporary wetlands, including cypress domes and marshes, and in ditches.
Map by Monica E. McGarrity - may be used freely for education.
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