PDF Library
This list of selected PDF publications is intended to provide easy access to high demand materials, including fact sheets and brochures published by Dr. Steve Johnson. Scientific journal articles are listed for the current year--for a complete list of Dr. Johnson's scientific publications, see his Selected Publication.
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Scientific Journal Articles
- McGarrity, M.E. and S.A. Johnson. 2010. A Radio Telemetry Study of Invasive Cuban Treefrogs (574 KB pdf). Florida Scientist 73: 225-235.
- Krysko, K. L., S. A. Johnson, K. E. Giddens, K. H. Gielow, T. S. Lowke, W. M. Moore, E. Suarez, C. D. Thomas, A. S. Shoeslon, J. P. Burgess, C. A. Smith, and B. A. Garner. 2010. The African Five-lined Skink, Trachylepis quinquetaeniata (Lichtenstein 1823): A New Established Species in Florida (5.36 MB pdf). IRCF Reptiles & Amphibians 17(3): 183-184.
- Marr, S.R., Johnson, S.A., Hara, A.R., and McGarrity, M.E. 2010 Preliminary Evaluation of the Potential of the Helminth Parasite Rhabdias elegans as a Biological Control Agent for Invasive Puerto Rican Coquís (Eleutherodactylus coqui) in Hawaii (444 KB pdf). Biological Control 54: 69-74.
- Johnson, S.A., M.E. McGarrity and C.L. Staudhammer. 2010. An Effective Chemical Deterrent for Invasive Cuban Treefrogs (Osteopilus septentrionalis). Human-Wildlife Conflicts 4:112-117.
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