PDF Library
This list of selected PDF publications is intended to provide easy access to high demand materials, including fact sheets and brochures published by Dr. Steve Johnson. Scientific journal articles are listed for the current year--for a complete list of Dr. Johnson's scientific publications, see his Selected Publications.
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Click on the links below to view available documents in each category:
Scientific Journal Articles
Popular Publications & Extension Fact Sheets
Invasive Species
Venomous Snakes
Other Native Wildlife
- “Black Snakes”: Identification and Ecology.
- The Florida Pinesnake: Pituophis melanoleucus mugitus.
- Florida's Frogs Coloring Pages (413KB pdf)
- How to Make a Treefrog House.
- Treefrogs in the Garden brochure (555KB pdf)
- The Florida Scrub-Jay: A Species in Peril.
- Gopher Frogs, Burrows, and Fire: Interactions in the Longleaf Pine Ecosystem.
- Ecological Engineers: Southeastern Pocket Gophers Are One of Nature's Architects.