Florida's Snakes

Brahminy Blindsnake
(Ramphotyphlops braminus)NONNATIVE
Document sightings online at www.IveGot1.org.
Brahminy Blindsnake
Photos by Dr. Steve A. Johnson (UF). These photos may not be used without the express written permission of the photographer.
Usually 4–6 in. (max. ~7 in.)
Body is shiny brown. Snout is rounded, neck is not distinct, and eyes are reduced to tiny, virtually invisible dots, making it difficult to tell the difference between the head and tail. Scales are smooth; tail is tipped with a pointed scale. It is often mistaken for an earthworm, but its body is not segmented and it slithers like a snake. These introduced snakes are all female and reproduce without sperm from a male. Females lay eggs; some experts believe these small snakes may occasionally give birth to live young as well.
Introduced in southern and central Florida in agricultural and urbanized areas. It may be more widespread than records suggest (see map), because it can easily go undetected. This secretive snake spends most of its time burrowed in the soil or hidden under leaves, logs, or other cover. It is often found in and under the soil of potted plants.
Ants and termites and their eggs and larvae
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