Florida's Snakes

Eastern Ribbonsnake
(Thamnophis sauritus)NON-VENOMOUS
Eastern Ribbonsnake
Photos by Dr. Steve A. Johnson (UF). These photos may not be used without the express written permission of the photographer.
Usually 1.5 – 2 ft. (max. ~3 ft.)
Extremely slender body is dark olive-brown or black. Back is marked with three yellow-tan stripes. The stripe down the spine may be faint or absent, and stripes on the sides may be whitish, bluish-gray, or blue. Chin, throat, and belly are pale yellowish, and there is a distinct whitish spot in front of each eye. Scales have lengthwise ridges (keels). This snake gives birth to live young (does not lay eggs).
Found throughout Florida in a wide variety of forested and open habitats, including agricultural areas and urban parks. It is usually found near the edge of creeks, lakes, ponds, and marshes.
earthworms, insects, fish, tadpoles, frogs, toads
Map by Monica E. McGarrity - may be used freely for education.